At the World's Edge Festival - Dispersion

Live Music

At the World's Edge Festival - Dispersion
October 5, 2024


Oct 5, 2024
4:00 pm

AWE 2024 opens with Dispersion, an eclectic programme that delves into the intersection where folk music and classical music meet. Saturday 5 October, 4pm & 7pm


  • Sergei Prokofiev String Quartet No.2 “Kabardinian”
  • Bright Sheng Concertino for clarinet and string quartet
  • Eve de Castro-Robinson This liquid drift of light for solo piano
  • Béla Bartók Piano Quintet


Julian Bliss -Clarinet

Benjamin Baker, Justine Cormack, Alexi Kenney & Lorna Zhang - Violin

Bryony Gibson-Cornish & Serenity Thurlow - Viola

Sterling Elliott & Ian Greenberg - Cello

Daniel Lebhardt & Madeleine Xiao - Piano

AWE+ | Scholars Showcase, 6pm

ROSL Pettman Scholars, Lorna Zhang (violin) and Madeleine Xiao (piano), perform alongside Festival Artist and baritone, Morgan Pearse, in this 30-minute showcase performance.

Presented between the two performances of Dispersion at Te Atamira.

Free entry.

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