Love Notes by Ed Cruikshank

Love Notes by Ed Cruikshank
November 14, 2024


Dec 31, 2025

This interactive project invites you to write a message of love and send it to the world, in a specially made interactive artwork. Open daily until 14 February 2025.

Local furniture designer Ed Cruikshank has made 'Love Notes', a custom-made postbox which includes a coded message of whakawhitiwhiti, maramatanga, hononga arohanui, aroha, te rangimarie: understanding, connection, compassion, love and peace.

We invite you to write a note to someone and post it into Love Notes. If you include an address and postage (which can be bought from the Te Atamira shop), we will ensure it gets sent on its way.

'I hope it will inspire and promote positive conversations that will - through even tiniest acts of kindness and generosity - make the world a more understanding and harmonious one.' - Ed Cruikshank

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